Civil Space 2024 Exhibits

Advanced Optical Systems

Advanced Optical Systems

Corrie Smeaton, James Johnson, Gregory Cappiello, Chris Roberts, Christopher Roll, Zachary Darling, Benjamin Cohen, Michael Chrisp


  • MIT Lincoln Laboratory has world-class optical systems engineering capabilities to prototype one-of-a-kind optical systems
  • Core optical engineering capabilities include optical design and optimization, detailed analysis, fabrication, alignment, and metrology using state-of-the-art equipment
  • Novel technology development includes freeform optical systems, micro- and meta-optics, and AI-enhanced optical systems




Digital Threads and Digital Twins: Digital Engineering for Space-Based Missions

Digital Threads and Digital Twins: Digital Engineering for Space-Based Missions

Cameron Miner, Tara Sarathi, Stephanie Sposato, Michael Shatz


  • MIT Lincoln Laboratory is developing a digital platform and integrated toolset for the efficient development of systems, enabling digital product creation and management, engineering collaboration, dissemination of information, productivity, and traceability
  • System development starts with a systems-based model and creates a digital thread that connects everything together through validation of the model, simulations, parts, assemblies, and system performance"




Engineering Division Capabilities and Resources

Engineering Division Capabilities and Resources

Dan Alves, Kelly Beattie, Anne Grover Vogel


  • Capabilities and resources to complete every phase of a system's lifecycle
  • Bring concepts to fully functioning payloads




Integrated Spectral Remote Sensing Solutions

Integrated Spectral Remote Sensing Solutions

Corrie Smeaton, Ronald Lockwood, James Johnson, Melissa Smith, Michael Pieper, Steven Golowich, Adam Milstein, Ryan Sullenberger, Charles Wynn, Tom Roy, Yaron Rachlin


  • MIT LL has been a pioneer in developing remote-sensing technology for 70 years
  • MIT LL is a leader in developing new technology for spectral remote sensing and can provide end-to-end support from instrument design to image processing and atmospheric compensation




10+ Years of Successful NASA Lasercom Demonstrations

10+ Years of Successful NASA Lasercom Demonstrations

Olga Mikulina, Alex McIntosh, Farzana Khatri


  • Lasercom is a mature technology ready for wider adoption for space-based mission
  • Various architectures demonstrated:
    • Ground-to-LEO; LEO-to-GEO
    • Ground-to-GEO relay
    • Lunar orbit and deep space
  • Demonstrated practical solutions and novel technologies




Atmospheric Sounding

Atmospheric Sounding

William Blackwell, Monica Coakley, Michael DiLiberto, Matthew Harger, Cara Kataria, Vincent Leslie, Cooper Loughlin, Sundie Meroth, Adam Milstein, William Moulder, Michael Pieper, Tom Roy, Nick Zorn


  • The 4D structure of the atmosphere, including severe weather and climate extremes, can be remotely sensed from space using passive IR and microwave instruments called sounders
  • MIT LL, in partnership with academic collaborators and government sponsors, has developed and flown next-generation hardware and data exploitation approaches for atmospheric sounding




Energy Systems

Energy Systems

Heather Zwahlen, Nick Judson, Tomas Elder, Erin Looney, Ted Bloomstein, Daniel Herring, Ryan Wiechens, Mark Huber


  • The MIT LL Energy Systems group develops resilient energy systems and technologies for strategic national security needs
  • Core expertise in systems analysis, power systems architectures, prototype development, and technology testing and evaluation
  • Seek partnerships to create dual-use opportunities for our capabilities in non-DoD mission areas




Electromagnetic Vector Sensors for Space Applications

Electromagnetic Vector Sensors for Space Applications

Erik Thompson, Alex Morris, Alan Fenn, Brad Perry, Ekaterina Kononov


  • Vector sensor antenna (VSA) technology enables polarimetric and direction of arrival measurement in a compact form factor
  • Measurement of full electromagnetic (EM) vector fields enables the use of high-order statistics for improved beamforming
  • MIT LL is developing novel VSAs with applications in space weather, planetary exploration, and radio astronomy




Custom Space Mechanisms and Deployable Structures

Custom Space Mechanisms and Deployable Structures

Mark Silver, Sonny Jeon


  • MIT LL has experience in the design, analysis, building, testing, and deployment of custom mechanisms and structures for space systems
  • Previous work includes deployable structures and mechanisms for CubeSats and small satellites in LEO, GEO, and deep space applications




Bringing Quantum Sensors to Fruition

Bringing Quantum Sensors to Fruition

Pauli Kehayias, Jennifer Schloss, Rohan Kapur, Robert McConnell, John Chiaverini, Dodd Grey, William Loh, David Reens, Will Setzer, Wonseok Shin, Linh Pham, David Phillips, Danielle Braje


With the promise of improved accuracy, stability, sensitivity, and smaller size, quantum sensors have the potential for significant advantages over traditional technologies. We highlight three MIT LL devices with near-term applications:

  • High-performance quantum magnetic microscopy using NV centers in diamond
  • Robust, deployable quantum vector magnetometer using NV centers in diamond
  • High-performance portable ion array clock




Tunable Emissivity with Electrowetting

Tunable Emissivity with Electrowetting

Brad Perkins, Shaun Berry, William Herzog, Keri Ledford, Paul Robinson, Brian Powers, Joe Galligan, Chris Buttaccio


  • Temperature control on satellites is critical to the operation of onboard electronics
  • Current approaches to manage temperature involve power-hungry heaters and large volume mechanical louvers to control radiative heating
  • Our goal is to develop a tunable thin-film thermal radiator for small satellites that enables new mission capabilities



Laser Transmitters for Space-Based Earth Science Lidar Measurements

Laser Transmitters for Space-Based Earth Science Lidar Measurements

Tso Yee Fan, David Geisler, Steven Augst


  • Higher power and efficiency laser transmitters based on cryogenic cooling are under development to meet the Earth science measurement needs for water vapor, surface topology and vegetation, and global winds
  • These developments are at an early stage and will require space qualification, but they leverage space-qualifiable Stirling coolers as a key enabler of high performance




Scientific Detectors at MIT Lincoln Laboratory

Scientific Detectors at MIT Lincoln Laboratory

Erik Duerr, Jonathan Frechette, Christopher Leitz, Kevin Ryu, Ilya Prigozhin, Richard Younger


  • MIT Lincoln Laboratory has a long history of designing and fabricating custom detectors for astronomy
  • Core technologies include silicon charge-coupled devices (CCDs), Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes (Gm-APDs), and digital readout integrated circuits (ROICs)
  • Emerging technologies include photon-counting sensors, low-noise SWIR and hard X-ray detectors, energy-resolving superconducting detectors, and reconfigurable integrated circuits




Quantum Networking for Space

Quantum Networking for Space

David J. Starling, Katia Shtyrkova, Ryan Murphy, Dave Kharas, W. John Nowak, John Cummings, Eric Bersin, Scott Hamilton, P. Benjamin Dixon, Neal Spellmeyer, Catherine Lee, Nick Hardy – MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Ian Christen, Linsen Li, Kevin Chen, Madison Sutula, Dirk Englund – MIT


  • A scalable heterogeneous network of quantum systems enables new and more powerful applications in quantum sensing, quantum computing, and secure communication
  • Our goal is to develop a fully packaged quantum repeater architecture with impactful near-term utility for interconnecting quantum systems across space links




3D Lidar Imaging

3D Lidar Imaging

Luke Skelly, Alexandru Vasile, Alex McIntosh


  • For over 25 years, researchers at Lincoln Laboratory have been pioneering 3D direct-detection lidar systems utilizing Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes. These detectors, capable of counting individual photons, significantly improve the imaging sensitivity of lidar systems.
  • The high-resolution, wide-area 3D imagery generated by these systems is ideal for mapping large regions (covering hundreds of square kilometers per hour) and enables foliage penetration, allowing detailed imaging of terrain hidden beneath dense tree canopies.




Integrated Operational Weather Systems

Integrated Operational Weather Systems

Kiley Yeakel, Mark Veilette, Tim Bonin, Michael McPartland


  • MIT LL has provided decades of operational weather sensing, forecasting and decision support to the FAA, NASA, NOAA and DoD
  • Key capabilities include multimodal sensing and data fusion, systems analysis, software prototyping, and machine learning to monitor and predict precipitation, tornadoes, and convective weather